Premarital Curriculum

Please complete the homework assignments indicated prior to each session. For workbook chapters, share and discuss your answers to the workbook questions with one another prior to the session, noting key differences, discoveries, and areas of concern.

Session 1: Growth and Strength Areas

Homework: Complete the Prepare/Enrich Assessment

Session 2: Influence of Family of Origin

Homework: Chapter 3 and Chapter 5

Session 3: Communication

Homework: Chapter 8; Take Love Language Quiz

Session 4: Conflict Resolution

Homework: Chapter 9; Take Apology Language Quiz

Session 5: Finances

Homework: Chapter 7

Session 6: Marriage Expectations

Homework: Chapter 10

Session 7: Parenting

Homework: Chapter 12; (Chapter 11 if relevant)

Session 8: Roles & Responsibilities

Homework: Chapter 13